tamtam mailorder

Each TAMTAM AUDIO release is distributed as vinyl, compact-disk or zipped-vbr-mp3s. Check out our mailorderinfo this way:

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credits+respect to D.pends onU for making this site possible and to um3000 for generating this and that, Knallgrau New Media Solutions - Web Agentur für neue Medien, Antville, Helma + twoday.net, for hosting and developing this space and software

Why we try the next*-yahoo!-Flashplayer

Searching for a better way to present our newest stuff, we experimented with different easy-2-use players. Finally, we decided to try the next* -yahoo! -Flashplayer. The tool offers everything we wanted - Search (Fastforward + Rewind) by clicking in the bar, Volume and Fading while changing the trax.

But this must not be our final decision - we just give it a try, in the meaning of BETA. Easylistener does not seem perfect. Sometimes the player failed to load when opening the page - (if so - just reload, until the player appears) - general handling could be better, and last but not least, it's incompatible with the OPERA-webbrowser.

However, we think its a fine tool. For instance, we like that option to stream any mp3-stuff of any site out there. (To listen to another page which publishes mp3-files, just click the yahoo! button of the player 4 more options. Choose "Play a Page", type in the URL of the site you would like to listen to and wait 'til easylistener has loaded the new content. To return to our trax afterwards, just click the "recently played"-button of the player.)

We would like to know what U think about this tool. Does it work okay? Any bugs? Any better suggestions? Please use the comment-option of this article for telling us what U mean.

latest stuff

If you don't see our audioplayer above - hit REALOAD to refresh this page until EASYLISTENER loads completely. For more Information about it read
Why we try the next*-yahoo!-Flashplayer.

our latest tamtam





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