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Free Radicals LP - no longer available

This is a collaboration of Tunja/vocals and Mack/music and our first longplayer. The musical idea behind this project is to produce modern songs on the basis of breakbeat production style. The result is a high power breaks album containing lyrics reflecting the madness of our time driven by massive beats and noises. The groove concept is mainly uptempo funk combined with the new world of digital sounds. This sound spectrum allows the producer to create new atmospheres of urban lifestyles and futuristic vibes.

Tunja is the son of the afro american jazz drummer Fred Braceful heavily influenced by the mighty black music styles of jazz and soul. Tunja as a singer comes from a very live music background working with various bands.

Mack has worked on all musical fields from running a club like the legendary Beatbox/Wuppertal, through organizing tours for Jamiroquai to A Tribe called Quest, for Cassandra Wilson to Propellerheads and producing music like a tune for the Dope on Plastic 6 compilation and Mack and MKB 12" "Purdie Baby" from 2k5. Mack has gone back to his roots producing music and running this platform Tam Tam Audio.

Free Radicals - Organic Machines LP - Tracklist

01. Face Of Attack
02. Organic Machines
03. Out Of Control
04. Collateral Damages
05. Follow Me (Freestyle)
06. Some Hope
07. Nothing Is Left
08. Lost You Underground
09. Follow Me (Radio)
10. Face Of Attack (Radio)
11. Some Hope (Radio)
12. Ghosts In The Machine
13. Da Rocka

gurkendieb - 2006-11-30 21:00

Gurkendieb an Hühnerbein

Hi Mack,

you know: Mein Englisch ist zu verstaubt, als dass ich mich wage hier diese Sprache zu benutzen.

However: Diese Site gefällt mir - Kompliment an die Macher/innen.
Und die Musik, um die es hier ja geht, ist mehr als erfrischend im Vergleich (wenn dieses Wort denn zutreffend sein kann) zum gleichstrudelndem Mainstream des veröffentlichen Unsinns des Musikbusiness.
(Siehste: zwei, drei englische Worte kamen mir doch noch über die Tastatur.)

Hut ab und weiter machen!!!


Frank Gniffke

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